Wednesday, February 15, 2023

TKG 1.6 VMs vs 2.1... BIOS to EFI

1.6 TKG supported  BIOS booting by default

in newer TKG versions 2.1 , we support  EFI by default

EFI is required for PCI passthrough

PCI Passthrough is currently required to run GPU workloads on TKG

In any case,  as shown below there is a 

1.6 cluster on the left

and a 2.1 on the right

Clicking on the Boot options (click the vM, then go to Edit Settings -> Boot options) We can see 

1.6 default boots as bios

2.1 default boots as efi

Thus , the older Virtual machine

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Note to self: Running image-builder for TKG , 2.1

In  tKG 2.1, we run Image-builder for GPU workloads.  Just a quick note to myself on the snippet for doing this the right way




### Ignoring goss will see if it works

docker run -it --rm \
-v /home/kubo/image-builder/TKG-Image-Builder-for-Kubernetes-v1.24.9-on-TKG-v2.1.0-master/TKG-Image-Builder-for-Kubernetes-v1_24_9---vmware_1-tkg_v2_1_0/tkg.json:/home/imagebuilder/tkg.json \
-v $ROLES:/home/imagebuilder/tkg/ \
-v $CUSTOMIZATIONS:/home/imagebuilder/customizations.json \
-v $TKG/credentials.json:/home/imagebuilder/credentials.json \
-v $TKG/goss/:/home/imagebuilder/goss \
--env PACKER_VAR_FILES="tkg.json customizations.json credentials.json" \
--env IB_OVFTOOL=1 \ build-node-ova-vsphere-ubuntu-2004